Friday, September 3, 2010

The Future of Corporate IT

The Information Technology Practice of the Corporate Executive Board has published an interesting study on The Future of Corporate IT. In this study, they foresee five radical shifts in IT Value, Ownership and Role. The paper provides advice on how to prepare for these shifts.

The radical shifts are:

1. Information over Process
Competitive advantage from information technology shifts toward customer experience, data analytics, and knowledge worker enablement; consequently, information management skills will rise in importance relative to business process design.

2. IT Embedded in Business Services
Centrally provided applications and infrastructure will be embedded in business services and delivered by a business shared services organization.

3. Externalized Service Delivery
Delivery will be predominantly externalized as vendors expand service provision and internal resources become brokers not providers.

4. Greater Business Partner Responsibility
Business unit leaders and end users will play a greater role in obtaining and managing technology for themselves where differentiation has more value than standardization.

5. Diminished Standalone IT Role
IT roles will embed in business services, evolve into business roles, or be externalized. Remaining IT roles will be housed in a business shared service group. The CIO position will expand to lead this group or shrink to manage IT procurement and integration.

In the next 5 blogs, I will discuss these shifts and assess to what extend they apply to my world.

Frits de Vroet

1 comment:

Kenneth Verlage said...

Frits, interesting approach and i look forward to the next chapter.

I fully agree with your view, and im countinously probing the future terrain to find the path to go. The changes you write about opens up a greenfield in the business, an area not managed today, a white area inside the triangle of business processes, customer experience and classic IT.

I think that is the directon where you will find the future CIOs, with a totally evolved agenda.